
House Kitchens Will Prepare Feasts

Some will head home today, others will visit friends or relatives, and Harvard Dining Services is ready to approximate home cooking for about 350 students who can't spare the time or the plane fare to get the real thing.

According to Peter Brusgulis, assistant manager of Quincy House's dining hall, the house kitchens take turns producing Thanksgiving dinner each year. This time around, he said, it is up to Quincy to serve all of the following at noon on Thursday:

Pumpkin soup, roast turkey, savory bread stuffing, gravy, baked ham, whipped potatoes, glazed squash, whipped turnips ("not a favorite, but...don't quote me."), garden peas, creamed whole baby onions, salad greens, cherry tomatoes, celery hearts, carrot sticks, radish roses, fruit salad, two kinds of olives, whole cranberry sauce, rolls, pumpkin, apple and pecan pies, cider, "autumn toddy," fresh fruit, mixed nuts and dinner mints.

Brusgulis says he hopes the usual crowd of 350 students or so turn up to eat it.

Quincy will serve meals all day Thursday, Adams and Currier will be the only ones open on Friday, and Saturday's edibles will be available at Eliot, Kirkland, Winthrop, Leverett, Lowell and Currier Houses. All dining halls will open again on Sunday.


There is no additional charge to eat in the Harvard dining halls during the break.

For those dining halls that remain open, the hours will change little, except that Sunday brunch will extend from 10:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
