
W. Ruggers Blast Yale

The Radcliffe rugby club was not at its best playing on a muddy Soldiers Field Friday.

But it did not matter. The ruggers were playing Yale.

Radcliffe blasted the Elis, 16-0, to close out its fall season with an 8-1 record.

"Yale wasn't really that good," Co-Captain Eliza Schwarz said, "so we didn't have to struggle that hard."

The Black and White lost only one game this fall, a 4-0 decision to Williams in overtime.


"We're really happy with the way we played," Schwarz said. "We want to get more people out this spring. We're losing a lot of people to graduation."

Radcliffe scored all 16 points in the first half. Schwarz got the ball rolling with a 15-yd. try.

The play began as a scrummage when eight-man Alexandra Williams picked up the ball. Williams got the ball out to scrum-half and Co-Captain Cherie Silvera.

Silvera passed to Schwarz, who coasted the final 15 meters for the score.

"Once we got going," Schwarz said, "everyone did a good job in supporing each other."

Schwarz also set up the second score with a pass to Williams.

Outside center Jennifer Scanlon and forward Karen Berman closed out the scoring.

The Black and White next sees action in the spring.

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