



To the Editors of the Crimson:

I am writing to express my disappointment and concern with a number of inaccuracies in the article, "Gay-Lesbian Association Splits" (October 22). First, the statement that the GLSA is an "umbrella organization for...Contact" is erroneous and irresponsible. Contact is a UHS-trained and a -affiliated peer counseling group for issues of sexuality and sexual orientation. It is in no way connected to the GLSA. Further, while Contact is supportive of gay men and lesbians (and their efforts and activities) nationally and on campus, it is also committed to meeting the needs of the broader Harvard community, the diversity of which is reflected in Contact's staff and clientele.

Second, I would like to correct a quote which states, "The lesbian community has outgrown [Seventh Sense]." The implication of this comment is completely inaccurate: Seventh Sense is not a lesbian group. Seventh Sense is a confidential, women's discussion group about issues of sexual orientation, and its motto has always been "no assumptions (about anyone's sexual orientation)." The article would have done well to take that advice, as illustrated by the mistaken paraphrasing in the quotation above. Obviously, Seventh Sense has very specific goals which do not satisfy, nor were they intended to satsify, the needs of the lesbian and bisexual women's community at Harvard. As a separate issue, then, the GLSA's expanding membership has recognized the need for an expressly lesbian and bisexual women's group and has created "WOW" (Women-Oriented Women). Kelly M. Dermody '89-'90   Co-director, Contact   Co-chair, GLSA
