
W. Ruggers Roll Over B.C., 10-0

Playing Boston College in rugby has been a walk down Elm Street for the Radcliffe Rugby Football Club.

"The last four times we have played them," Co-Captain Eliza Schwarz said, "it's either been raining or snowing. It's always a horror of a game when we play them."

But Saturday on a muddy Soldiers Field, the Black and White scratched and clawed its way to a 10-0 victory over the Eagles.

"We worked really hard," Schwarz said, "it was a good team effort."

An example of that team effort came in the first half when prop Anne Moon got the ruggers on the scoreboard with a try. On a penalty play from five meters, scrum-half and Co-Captain Cheri Silvera passed to Moon. With the help of several teammates pushing her, Moon slid into the end zone for the score.


"That was a really good play, we had a lot of support," Schwarz said. "It was good for the team the way we drove the ball down the field and then scored."

Harvard sophomore and eight-man Aiex Williams scored Radcliffe's other points in the second half. On a scrummage from about five meters, Williams picked the ball up and ran around end for the score.

The Black and White next meets Williams College. The Ephwomen defeated the Crimson, 4-0, three weeks ago in the Mayor's Cup Tournament.
