

Re: CITYSTEP on the Mainstage


To the Editors of The Crimson:

I should not have to write this letter. In my phone conversation with Ross Forman regarding the Mainstage petition, I repeated several times that I was not involved in circulating or developing the petition--in fact, had only heard about it that very day--and that I would not take sides. I agreed to comment on the situation, but I did not wish to pit one organization against another because of my active involvement in each.

In two separate conversations I reiterated that I was not affiliated with the petition, and that the only possible beneficial outcome would be bringing the situation to the attention of faculty and administration who would have the authority to give Citystep its own annual Mainstage slot, which I believe we deserve.

Instead, Forman has decided to misrepresent me and pit me against an organization to which I am very dedicated--Citystep--to forward his own bias. This action has not only seriously jeopardized my relationship with the organization and my peers, but proven once again how wary one must be in talking to the Crimson. Daniel Banks '87-'88
