
Two Freshmen Attacked In Front of Grays Hall

Five unidentified youths attacked two freshmen in the Yard at 10 p.m. on Friday night, according to witnesses of the incident.

Chris E. Maroney '90 and Chris A. Kroeger '90 were on their way to a party when one youth came up to him and started talking to him, Maroney said yesterday. After Maroney told the boy to go away, he and four of his friends attacked the freshman.

Maroney suffered a concussion and spent the night unconcious in Stillman Infirmary. He was released yesterday morning, he said.

Kroeger, who received facial bruises from the attack, pretended to be unconscious, escaping further injury, said Barbara Hirsch '90, who was on the scene at the time. Kroeger did not go to Stillman for treatment, Kroeger said.

The attack occurred as the two Canady freshmen, both football players, were on their way to a party in Wigglesworth Hall. A teenage male approached the two in front of Grays Hall and told the pair about his karate skills.


After Maroney giggled at the description, the youth whistled summoning four friends who attacked both freshmen and then fled, Maroney said.

"I was talking to this kid and the next thing I know I'm in UHS," said Maroney, who lost conciousness after his head hit the ground.

Barbara L. Hirsch '90, and Michelle A. Hopkins '90, who were passing by when the attack occurred, called the police, the two said. The police officers, who arrived 15 minutes later, took Maroney to the infirmary, according to police reports.

Harvard University Police were not available for comment on the attack.

Friday night's assault was the fifth such attack on Harvard students in the past four weeks.
