

A Modest Proposal


To the Editors of The Crimson:

It is regrettable that such an impressive arsenal of deterrents as marshalls, proctors, video cameras, Harvard ID verification, selected readings from the Resolution on Rights and Responsibilities, police contingents at all entrances of the Science Center (to be followed up by a 40-minute blockade of the building by the police), and the Houdiniesque sneakings-in and whiskingsout of the South African Vice Consul through the secret catacombs of the Science Center, was not enough to secure his rights of free speech on this campus. He had to cut loose in mid-speech and flee like a petty thief. I hope the lesson is not lost on the Conservative Club and the Harvard Administration. The next time they are smitten with the urge to confer freedom of speech on Pretoria's spokesmen, they should: (a) not publicize the event, (b) restrict entry only to members of the Conservative Club who can give out the correct password, (c) gag, bind and blindfold members of the audience before entry, (d) have a water cannon handy, just in case, (e) cordon off the campus to outside agitators (and Channel 7), (f) hold the event in Dean Archie Epps' office.

This will definitely afford the Ciceros of Pretoria a real chance to savor a freedom they cherish so dearly in a down-home atmosphere. Vishwambhar Pati   Assistant Professor of Mathematics
