

Cheers to All

Senior Bars

COLLEGE OFFICIALS last week announced they will no longer sanction "senior bars," the yearly parties seniors throw for each other in honor of their imminent departure from Harvard. The administrators claim the parties are "disruptive" and encourage underage drinking in violation of University alcohol policy.

As a result of the College's move, the Senior Class Committee will no longer be able to use the University's money to organize and advertise the parties, which occur each night between the end of spring break and the beginning of reading period. Organizing the bars will now be the task of seniors not working on the College's authority.

The University was wise to pass responsibility for the bars to the seniors who will see to it that the bars remain a spring rite. This year's committee had already found sponsors for the events when the rules were changed and the Undergraduate Council last night came up with the $48 needed to print and distribute senior bar schedules. Next year, the parties will continue, although on a strictly unofficial basis.

By disapproving of the parties, the University is technically complying with a silly state law while practically allowing the parties to continue as "private parties." The policy change is an unabashedly good one.

Cheers to the College, the Undergraduate Council and all those under 21.


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