


Sounds Kind Of Familiar, Doesn't It?

A world-class scholar of medieval history at Stanford University who was turned down in his second tenure bid has said he may leave academics and would not recommend that anyone go into the field right now.

He told The Stanford Daily that no medieval scholar, no matter how accomplished, could be approved for tenure in the university's history department.

Assistant Professor Stephen Ferruolo cited Stanford's competitive attitude toward comparably ranked schools as one reason he was denied tenure.

Ferruolo said since Harvard had recently turned down a top American historian, Stanford turned him down to show that they can also turn down leading scholars and maintain standards as high as Harvard's.


The history faculty is also more reluctant to make intradepartmental tenure appointments, preferring to make tenure offers to outsiders, Feruolo said.

The winner of the 1982 Dinkelspiel Award for outstanding undergraduate teaching said that at Stanford there is an attitude that "if you're a good teacher you're not a serious scholar, that they're somehow incompatible."

"Good teaching is a negative factor in tenure cases," Ferruolo said.

But members of the history department have discounted Ferruolo's claims to having been cheated and said that his charges are the same as those of other who have been denied tenure.

More College Women Want Their Men To Be Virgins

Perhaps because of the AIDS threat, more college women value virginity in their men, according to a new study by Blotnick Associates, a New York polling firm.

Many more women said that they wanted their next lover to be a virgin--22 percent this year, up from 9 percent in 1977. In both surveys, 10 percent of the men wanted their next lover to be a virgin.

The study, conducted from January to March, also found that fewer men exaggerated their sexual activities than 10 years ago. Only 34 percent of the men who responded said that they lied about the times they had sexual contact, as opposed to 61 percent in 1977.

About 11 percent of the women said that they exaggerated, as opposed to 9 percent in 1977.

"These guys are interested in protecting the image of `Mr. Clean,'" the poller, Srully Blotnick, told The Associated Press.

Blotnick said that many of the college men still seemed undaunted by the threat of AIDS, in comparison to the women surveyed. "There's a kind of Garden of Eden mentality which is, in fact, making them a little more promiscuous," the poller said. PRINCETON

Provost Will Investigate Alleged Sexual Harassment

In the wake of a recent episode of alleged sexual harassment, Princeton President William G. Bowen has asked Provost Neil Rudenstein to investigate Princeton's sexual harassment policy, in response to student complaints.

Rudenstein will investigate the administration's role in the affair, as well as the effectiveness of the university's current policy on this issue, The Daily Princetonian reported.

The controversy started on January 22, when a senior member of the Dial Lodge eating club allegedly harrassed a junior woman visiting the club.

Princeton's Disciplinary Committee placed the male student on probation for a term and gave the female student a "dean's warning" for "provocative behavior."

As part of strong student criticism of the decision, the Princeton's Women's Center organized a forum early this month to discuss the issue of sexual harassment on campus. Equal numbers of men and women, 150 students in all, attended the event.

Students complained that the Disciplinary Committee did not fully investigate the case, and that the members of the eating club who testified did not have to give an oath of honesty before speaking. Students also asked that a separate committee be formed to evaluate sexual harassment cases. STANFORD

President and His Wife Separate

Stanford University President Donald Kennedy '52 and his wife, Jeanne, are separating, The Stanford Daily reported.

The Kennedys released this statement about their separation: "Dear Friends and Colleagues: We have decide to end our marriage, though not our enduring friendship for one another. We know we can both count on you for help in managing the transition gracefully and in retaining our closeness to you and to the Stanford family."

The Kennedys were married in 1953 and first came to Stanford in 1960. During their marriage they had two daughters. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

Professor Arrested on Porn Charges

A Professor of Geophysics at the University of Chicago was recently arrested for possessing and distributing child pornography, The Chicago Maroon reported.

Paul Moore faces two child pornography counts that could carry as much as a nine-year sentence, according to the commander of the Chicago State Police sex exploitation unit.

Police seized about 40 pieces of child pornography when they seached Moore's residence before arresting him. Moore is also charged with delivering pornographic material to an undercover agent twice this fall.

Police found three handguns in their raid, but Moore faces no charges for possession of illegal firearms.

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