


Babysitting Harvard's Liberals

To the Editors of The Crimson:

Kevin M. Malisani's March 8 opinion piece, "Coping with the Conservative Club," is a classic example of the intolerant complacency of Harvard's Liberal Establishment. Time and again Harvard liberals have shown the entire world that they're quite happy debating among themselves--but Heaven forbid that somebody speak out and challenge their views! The problem does not lie with the speakers that come to Harvard, but with the audience that they find here.

Malisani accuses the Conservative Club of "provoking the campus." What's wrong with that? Well, Malisani suggests that provoking the public is fascist strategy. It reminds him of neo-fascist rallies in his native Italy.

Whenever something displeases the liberals, we immediately hear cries of fascism, capitalism, racism, etc. Maybe Malisani forgot that 1960s liberals engaged in exactly the same "fascist" tactics that the Conservative Club uses today. The problem Harvard liberals now face is coping with the fact that they are now the Establishment.

The Administration did not, Malisani, play into the hands of the Conservative club by barring the public from the speech. Rather, the Administration should be commended for preventing another ridiculous tomato throwing fiasco. Time and again Harvard audiences have displayed intolerant immaturity for all to see. We have proven that we still need babysitters--somehow some of us never left junior high school.


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