
Freshman Crew Head Indicted For Rape

Following a grand jury indictment on charges of sexual misconduct with children, freshman crew Coach Edward H. Washburn '64 has been given a leave of absence from Harvard.

A Middlesex grand jury Thursday indicted Washburn on charges of raping a child and contributing to the delinquincy of a minor. The first charge carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.

Last February Washburn was dismissed from Cambridge's Buckingham Browne & Nichols School, where he had taught English for 23 years, after he admitted he had encouraged children to view pornographic material and masturbate, according to a letter signed by the headmaster and sent this week to all parents of BB&N students.

However, the Middlesex indictment involved separate instances of misconduct with two male children who are not affiliated with BB&N, said Margret Reynolds, an assistant to L. Scott Harshbarger '64, the Middlesex district attorney.

Reynolds said Washburn's case will be arraigned within "the next couple of weeks."


Washburn could not be reached for comment yesterday.

In a statement released yesterday, Daniel Steiner '54, vice president and University general counsel, said Washburn requested and was granted a leave from coaching duties here effective at the end of September.

"He is not responsible as of the end of September for any athletic program at Harvard, and has no other responsibilities at Harvard. Harvard learned ofthe allegations involving Mr. Washburn shortlyafter the middle of September," the statementsaid.

Harvard head crew Coach Harry Parker, whoThursday told the crew team that Washburn wastaking a leave, said officials here knew ofWashburn's dismissal from BB&N but did not becomeaware of the circumstances surrounding it untilthe middle of last month.

"We were under the impression that Mr. Washburnhad told Harvard that he had been dismissed," saidAssistant to the headmaster of BB&N Marjo Talbott."When we learned that Harvard did not know thereasons behind it, we let them know."

Washburn has coached the men's freshmenheavyweight crew since graduating from Harvard in1964. As an undergraduate, Washburn was a coxswainfor the men's varsity crew team and later competedfor the U.S. in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

As freshmen coach Washburn compiled a record of82-17. Widely regarded as a tough but excellentcoach, Washburn coached his crews to 10 EasternSprint Championships.

"We all really respect him," Harvard crewCaptain Steven W. Wayne '88 said. "His recordreally speaks for itself."

Talbott said yesterday that BB&N officialsreceived an anonymous phone call last winter inwhich the caller suggested that Washburn mighthave engaged in sexual misconduct with students atthe school.

Talbott said that when school officialsconfronted Washburn in early February with theallegations, he admitted to sexual misconduct withthree BB&N children. Washburn, who taught seventhand eighth grade students at the K-12 school, wasdismissed immediately.

"Mr. Washburn immediately admitted to havingencouraged certain children in the Middle Schoolto look at pornographic material and tomasturbate," according to the letter sent thisweek to parents and signed by BB&N HeadmasterPeter K. Gunness.

"He told us that the children whose names wementioned to him were the only children on whom hehad imposed," the letter stated.

Subsequently, the school came to believe thatWashburn behaved improperly toward additional BB&Nstudents, Talbott said.

Although the school told the state Departmentof Social Services (DSS) last winter about theallegations, the state office did nothing aboutthe information, said BB&N's lawyer, Jeff Rudmanof Hale and Dorr. "They expressed no interest inmeeting with us," he said. DSS officials could notbe reached yesterday evening.

The Middlesex district attorney beganinvestigating Washburn in April, following ananonymous call, Reynolds said
