
Law Dean of Students Announces Resignation

Law School Dean of Students Mary D. Upton said yesterday she will step down from her post at the end of the year and assume the job of special assistant to the Law School dean next year.

Upton, who has acted as an assistant dean for the past six years, said she decided to resign because she wants to "look around and see what other things are available."

"If I was going to leave any time, I think now was the right time to do it," Upton said. The dean was at the Law School for 14 years before she became an assistant dean.

"The last six years have been very challenging and stressful. Being dean of students is like being on 24-hour call," she said. "I think I want something different from that."

Upton said next year she will investigate job opportunities not connected with the Law School while acting as special assistant to Dean James Vorenberg '49.


In her new position, Upton will counsel students and conduct special research projects on topics such as the grading system and how the Law School has accommodated disabled students for the last 15 years, she said.

Vorenberg said he was "very pleased," that Upton would be working on these projects next year. "I think it will be a big contribution to the school," he said.

Upton said her biggest accomplishment as dean was helping student organizations. Before her tenure, the groups were unstructured and poorly funded, she said.

"Under my auspices, 35 organizations have become well-organized, well-funded, and functioning well," she said.

Upton said she especially enjoyed working with the resident assistants of the dorms. "Basically they're the only people I talk to who aren't in trouble or having problems," she said. "It's my favorite fun part of the job."

Upton is the third Law School administrator to announce her resignation this year. Director of Admissions Molly T. Geraghty '64 and Director of Financial Aid Renda G. Johnson both announced their resignations last fall. The Law School has not yet filled the new, consolidated position of assistant dean of admissions and financial aid, Geraghty said.

The Law School will choose Upton's successor by this summer, Vorenberg said.

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