To the Editors of the Crimson:
A recent Crimson column (November 19, 1987) implied that students who work in support of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW) devote little time or effort to the union drive. On the contrary, our student supporters respect our work and are deeply committed to the drive. Their commitment is combined with a willingness to work long hours at often tedious tasks.
Our student supporters have stuffed thousands of envelopes and spent more hours at data entry than they would like to remember. They've taped up posters, collected signatures, talked to fellow students and organized speeches in order to gather community support for HUCTW. Student fundraising efforts were critical to our survival during the 18 months when we were independent and our staff went unpaid. Their work is not glamorous, but students make an invaluable contribution to our effort to organize a union of Harvard's support staff.
Our student supporters respect our efforts to represent ourselves. We appreciate their understanding and ongoing support. Kristine Rondeau Director, HUCTW
Read more in Opinion
Clinton's Reluctant Donkey