
Police Seek Mass Hall Trespasser

A woman who has caused disruptions around the Harvard campus repeatedly was arrested by Harvard police last Wednesday after she entered Massachusetts Hall and demanded to speak with President Derek C. Bok.

The woman, who is not a student, became highly disruptive after she was denied permission to speak with Bok, said Harvard Police Chief Paul E. Johnson. Johnson said his group detached officers to arrest the woman after a Mass Hall administrator called for help.

University officials contacted refused to comment on the incident.

After the arrest was processed at the Harvard University Police Department, the woman, who identified herself only as Jane Doe, was booked at the Cambridge Police Station under the same name on charges of trespassing.

According to a source at the police department who asked to remain anonymous, the woman gave police and court officials several different aliases, including Shirley Yu-Plotkin and Shirley Maxer. Saying she "seemed kind of deranged," the police official added that the woman skipped her arraignment proceedings earlier this week. She now faces "arrest on sight" by a default warrant.


On several occassions in the past month, the woman was "warned off against trespassing" and had been "generally annoying" at Mass Hall, Johnson said.
