
Rediscovering That Championship Feeling

Men's Swimming

The Harvard men's swimming team learned one thing from last year's second-place finish: winning is a lot more fun.

After capturing eight straight Eastern championships, a streak dating back to 1979, Coach Joe Bernal and his troops were beaten decisively by Princeton at last year's meet, dropping the Crimson into second place.

Men's Swimming

1986-'87 Overall: 9-2

1986-'87 EISL: 7-2 (second)


Captains: Bill Bard, Chris

Coupled with the fact that the Tigers have also captured all or part of the last four ECAC and Ivy League titles, Harvard will be starting its 1987-'88 season from an unfamiliar position: that of an underdog.

The Crimson is far from being a weak team, having finished no worse than third in the ECAC or second in the Easterns this decade. But to a team used to great success, last year was a great disappointment.

Following a good recruiting year, though, Harvard sees itself inching back into a position to reclaim its lost throne. With the Crimson and the Tigers both losing key swimmers to graduation and Olympic training, it may be the younger swimmers who will make the difference in this season's big meets.

Harvard's most notable loss was senior David Berkoff, last year's NCAA champion in the 100-yd. backstroke. Berkoff is attending school this semester, but will take a year off to intensify training in his quest to qualify for next summer's Seoul games.

Except for Berkoff and three graduated members, the Crimson will return every swimmer from last year's Eastern squad, hopeful that the extra year of experience will pay off. The squad is captained by seniors Bill Bird and Chris Smith, and led by a solid group of five seniors.

But the Crimson is still a young team, one that needs to prove itself. Of the squad's 31 members, only six have had more than one year of college swimming experience. Only those six remember Harvard's last Eastern championship, although it was only 19 months ago.

Of the returning swimmers, the squad's strength should be in the sprint freestyle races. Junior Keith Kaplan is coming of an excellent season in which he broke two school records and assisted on another. Kaplan should be aided by Smith, as well as sophomores Mark Shagena, Jay Fisher and David Lee.

Senior Jeff Peltier is the top backstroker returning for Harvard, and appears ready to make great strides. Bird and sophomore George Imready return as the core butterfliers, while Michael Lin should be strong in the individual medley.

Senior John Pearson and sophomore Ken Johnson will once again be the primary distance freestyle men for the Crimson. Sophomore Jim Lutz was Harvard's top breaststroker last year, and he should be helped by a large group of freshmen.
