
Newly Elected Mayors Will Attend Four-Day IOP Training Seminar

Twenty--one newly--elected mayors from cities around the country are traveling to Harvard today to participate in a four-day seminar mayoral leadership leadership at the Institute of Politics (IOP).

The seminar, a biennial event offered jointly by the IOP and the United States Conference of Mayors, is designed "to help new mayors in issues of transition, governing the city, and inter--governmental relations," according to Liz Suntken, the seminar's Administrative Coordinator.

The seminar will include workshops with present and former mayors, professors from Harvard and other institutions, and analysts in areas such as budget and finance, public safety, media strategies and labor relations.

John Rousakis, the mayor of Savannah, Ga. will deliver the opening speech this evening. Other speakers throughout the four-day conference will include: Richard Thornburgh, director of the IOP; Marc Roberts, chairman of the Massachussetts State Research Council on AIDS; and Gwen King, President Reagan's assistant for intergovernmental affairs.



The new mayor of Charlotte, N.C., Sue Myrick, the only woman attending the seminar, said she thought the program was ideal. "It seems to be all--inclusive. It's so intensive that it's not a lot of wasted time," she said.

After attending lectures and workshops during the afternoon, participants will be treated to a dinner with President Bok tomorrow night and a reception held by Mayor Raymond Flynn of Boston and Mayor Walter Sullivan of Cambridge on Friday.

"High Hopes"

"My hopes are that the interaction between mayors during the breaks will be one of the most beneficial things," said Mayor Lee Robinson of Macon, Ga. Robinson said the seminar would allow the mayors to establish a mutual trust which would serve them well during their terms in office.

"I'm looking forward to having the perspective of other mayors on dealing with issues that affect us all across the country," said Ygnacio Garza, the newly--elected mayor of Brownsville, Tx.

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