To the Editors of The Crimson:
I resent the slanted use which Teresa A. Mullin made of my remarks in her November 4 article "B-School May Retest MBAs". While Ms. Mullin did not misquote me, she distorted my remarks considerably by presenting me as an authoritative source when I had made it perfectly clear that I was not. I stated repeatedly that I did not think (and I did emphasize the verb) that it was common for professors to investigate case sales histories before administering exams, but that I was not at all sure since those inquiries would not, in any case, be directed to me to begin with. Had Ms. Mullin bothered to speak with the Assistant Director of Publishing Operations, as I strongly suggested she should, she would have discovered that it is, indeed, common for professors to investigate case sales before using them in examinations. In addition, I also stated that I do not, in effect, have a title since I am a temporary and am not officially employed by HBS Pulishing.
It is unfortuante that Ms. Mullin willfully chose to distort the facts in order to add the spice of a possible controversy to her article. Susan M. Hanley
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Vandalism of the Sukkah Was Hateful