

Re: Quincy Dining Workers


Master Shinagel, who requested than this letter be published, said he personally delivered copies to Quincy House dining hall workers yesterday.

Dear Colleagues:

I regret personally and profoundly the article by Brooke A. Masters in today's Harvard Crimson ("Checkers Can't Do Math, Says Master Shinagel"). As you know, Quincy House has been the focus of much attention recently because of our interhouse policy.

David Lentini, Food Service Supervisor for College Dining Hall, has worked closely with the Masters and the Quincy House Committee to come up with an interhouse policy that is more workable from the point of view of dining services staff. Quincy House resident students and staff, and guests. Obviously we have not yet implemented a policy that satisfies everyone but we will keep trying until we do.

I want the dining hall staff in general and the meal checkers in particular to know that I regard all of you as valued and respected colleagues with whom I enjoy working on behalf of Quincy House. The reason we have such a crowding problem at lunch and dinner is, in part, because of our excellent food and friendly service by the staff.


The "derogatory statement about the dining hall staff" referred to in the article was unfortunately misconstrued by newcomers to Quincy House who are not familiar with my style which admittedly is susceptible to misunderstanding I meant no disrespect to the checkers. I only meant to express my frustration, through hyperbole, that complicated interhouse schemes would not be workable at Quincy. As I said to Brooke Masters of The Crimson, I meant my remark in an obviously sarcastic way, and to anyone who was offended by it. I offer my sincere apologies, both to Quincy newcomers and to dining hall staff members.

I very much hope we can get on with our work at Quincy House with a renewed sense of cooperation and respect. I also hope informal discussions of invited guests to the Masters Residence can be kept just that, and not be blown up into prying and ultimately hurtful front-page Crimson stories. Michael Shinagel   Quincy House Master
