
Students Must Gobble At Dunster Dining Hall

Students staying on campus Thanksgiving Day will have to make a pilgrimage to Dunster House to gobble up their turkey dinner, according to the University Dining Services.

The dining hall at Dunster will be the only one open that Thursday because of the low number of students who remain on campus for the holiday, according to Dale Hennessey, the dining service's associate director for administration.

The Quincy and Currier dining halls will re-open on Friday, November 27. On Saturday, all River Houses and Currier House dining halls will resume service. Normal dining service starts up again on Sunday, with Dudley House's Lehman Hall dining hall re-opening Monday.

"We like to rotate among houses," said Hennessey. She said this is done in fairness to employees who don't want to work on the holiday.

The repast will consist of * Thanksgiving staples as turkey, boiled ham, stuffing, potatoes and cranberry sauce, with apple and pumpkin pie for dessert. Dunster will be decorated appropriately.


"For those people who aren't going to be home, we try to make it as. homey as possible," said Hennessey. She expects about 300 people for Thanksgiving dinner, though more students stay on campus that weekend.

There is no charge for undergradutes. Graduate students will have to pay the transient rate of $5.90 for dinner.

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