The Harvard Chess Team checkmated its way to a first place finish in the intercollegiate chess championship held during Christmas break in Providence, R.I.
The five-man team won six and a half of eight rounds to draw with the University of Chicago as kings of the nation.
Although Harvard has come close to winning often, the team has not won the championship since 1975, when it tied with Nebraska.
"This is a pretty big accomplishment," said team captain Christopher N. Avery '88, who did not compete.
The final victorious round against the University of California at Berkeley was especially momentous. "Harvard has lost the last round for as long as anyone can remember," said team member Issa N. Youseff '90.
"Chess isn't exactly a rah-rah sport, but it was a lot of fun," Youseff said.
This year Harvard defeated Duke, the Universityof Southern Alabama, Minnesota, Akron, UNPHU fromthe Dominican Republic, and the University ofCalifornia at Berkeley. However, the defendingchampion, Rhode Island College, beat Harvard.
All North American colleges are eligible forthe competition. This year about 60 schoolsbattled for the championship.
The members of the victorious team were:Youseff, Christopher F. Chabris '88, Noam D.Elkies, a graduate student, Eric B. Rosen '89 andGirome S. Bono '81-'88.
The annual contest proceeds along elimination rounds, according to the Swiss system. In eachround of competition, four team members playindividual games against four representatives fromthe opposing school.
In addition to competing in the intercollegiatecontest, the Harvard team plays in the BostonChess League year-round and sponsors the150-player Harvard Open competition in April. Theteam is now in first place in the Boston League.
This year the team started a new tradition,playing the Yale chess team. And to match thefootball team's prowess, the chess team won theirbattle
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