To the Editors of The Crimson:
I am writing to commend The Crimson and Michael Wall for his article on working class and low income students (12/18/86). Mr. Wall has made a good effort to capture the flavor of the experiences of these "less monied" individuals. Hopefully, the article will serve as a gentle reminder to those of us with money not to assume that everyone at Harvard-Radcliffe has similar financial backrounds, and that such differing backrounds translate into different values and ways of perceiving and experiencing the world.
Let me also take this opportunity to correct one remark attributed to me by Mr. Wall in the article. I did not state that my "...advisees suffer an almost paranoid fear that their financial aid checks won't come through..." I did say that many Harvard-Radcliffe students might not appreciate keenly the experience of a low income or working class student awaiting the arrival of her/his financial aid check. Robert Read
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