Ivy Record Team W L T Place Overall Basketball, women's 9 3 0 1st 20-7 Cross Country, women's 4 0 0 1st 5-0 Hockey, men's 9 1 0 1st 25-8-1 Squash, men's 4 0 0 1st 11-0 Swimming, women's 7 0 0 1st 10-1 Tennis, men's 7 0 0 1st 17-7 Tennis, women's 7 0 0 1st 10-6 The Rest of the Teams
Ivy Record Team W L T Place Overall Baseball 18 6 0 T-3rd 19-11 Basketball, men's 2 12 0 8th 6-20 Crew, men's heavy 2 1 0 --- 4-1-1 Crew, men's light 1 2 0 --- 3-2 Crew, women's 4 0 0 --- 7-0 Cross Country, men's 1 3 0 8th 2-3 Fencing, men's 3 2 0 T-2nd 9-2 Fencing, women's 1 3 0 4th 5-5 Field hockey 2 2 2 T-2nd 3-8-1 Football 5 2 0 T-2nd 7-3 Golf, men's 1 3 0 T-4th 5-5 Ice hockey, women's 4 5 1 4th 12-10-1 Lacrosse, men's 4 2 0 T-2nd 9-5 Lacrosse, women's 5 1 0 2nd 11-4 Soccer, men's 5 2 0 2nd 8-6-1 Soccer, women's 2 1 1 4th 5-8-3 Softball 3 5 0 T-3rd 15-9 Squash, women's 4 1 0 2nd 6-1 Swimming, men's 5 2 0 3rd 9-2 Track, men's indr 0 4 0 --- 1-6 Track, men's outdr 0 3 0 --- 0-4 Track, women's indr 2 2 0 --- 4-3 Track, women's oudr 2 1 0 --- 3-1 Wrestling 2 4 0 5th 11-9
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