
Freshmen Start Political Action Group

To promote discussion of civil rights issues, two freshmen have launched a group to encourage social and political debate among campus groups.

"We want you to get your opinions across to everyone--not just the members of your group," said H. Edward Young '89, a founder of the Harvard Association for the Advancement of People (HAAP).

The group--which held a planning meeting with members of 10 campus organizations last night--plans to invite controversial speakers to Harvard, print a newsletter and organize a seminar program on social and political issues, HAAP members said. According to the members, HAAP will help controversial campus groups to reach a broader audience by providing them with a "neutral platform."

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III said three weeks ago he was optimistic the group will hieghten campus awareness of civil rights.

"The association is concerned with the political, social and cultural issues involving civil rights. It will provide an opportunity for whites and blacks to discuss these issues openly," Epps said.


In addition to offering the seminar and speech programs, HAAP organizers said their group will work with established campus and community public service groups.

"Ultimately, our community activities will facilitate interaction among the Harvard, Cambridge and Boston communities," said Camille D. Holmes '89, HAAP treasurer.
