


From Our Readers

To the Editors of The Crimson:

I want to commend you on "The CRR: Whose Rights, Whose Responsibilities?" Michael D. Nolan's piece in today's Crimson (April 21, 1986).

I spent a fair bit of my undergraduate days having run-ins with the CRR, and I've watched several cadres of students come through Harvard to pick up where we left off. But the issues that were behind our protests have been lost in yours. An infatuation with the "bad old days" seems to have replaced intellectual understanding--and sometimes reason--in more recent attacks on the CRR.

You had to sail against the tide of public opinion to come out with the story that ran in today's paper. And that's precisely what a truly fine newspaper must do sometimes.

Maybe Nolan's story will encourage people to think about why they do what they do. An infatuation with paisley doesn't make for student activism. F. Lee Boyle 1970-'73
