


From Our Readers

To the Editors of The Crimson:

As the son of a Harvard graduate, I was most disappointed to read in the paper that Harvard was honoring, as part of the Kennedy School's 50th anniversary, Edwin Meese.

My father is rolling over in his grave.

When did Harvard drop its standards for honoring people, especially at the K-School? This award diminishes the value of every honorary degree and award Harvard grants. The motive here is transparent; Harvard wants to suck-up to Ed Meese and the boys of Justice.

Thank goodness you're giving Joe Califano an award too. He can can hold the tether to keep Meese from floating away.



In the spirit of this award let me suggest that the Business School give an award to Imelda Marcos for her contributions to Fashion Marketing. Maybe she'll give Harvard a few pairs of shoes.

Ten Thousand Men of Harvard don't have the integrity of a baked potato. Jon Hite   Director, UMass Alumni Office

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