
Crimson Readers' Poll

327 Harvard undergraduates responded to a telephone poll conducted between March 13 and 16.

(No margin of error is included for these figures.)

1) Should students with AIDS be permitted to attend regular classes or participate in student activities?

Yes 86% No 11% Undecided 3%

2) Should Harvard enact some sort of policy to deal with faculty members, employees, or affiliates who contract AIDS?


Yes 68% No 28% Undecided 4%

3) How is AIDS transmitted:

a) 2% said saliva

b) 68% said genital secretions/sexual intercourse

c) 0% said casual contact

d) 14% said they didn't know

e) 16% said a combination of a-b or another reason

4) How would you respond if you learned a current or prospective roommate had contracted AIDS?

a) I would find another roommate or move out: 21%

b) it makes no difference to me: 23%

c) I don't know: 56%

5) Do you believe AIDS poses any threat to your health while attending school? How much or how little:

1) AIDS poses a threat to my health: 6%

2) AIDS poses some threat to my health: 39%

3) AIDS poses no threat to my health: 55%

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