
City to Hire Toxic Waste Site Consultant

North Cambridge residents speaking at city-sponsored hearings recently succeeded in getting the city council to hire an independent consultant to check a controversial former chemical dump for toxicity.

City Manager Robert W. Healy will negotiate the appointment for overseeing the testing by site owner W.R. Grace Co., which has maintained that the area is free from toxic hazard, said Melvin H. Chalfen, city commissioner of health and hosptials.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also prompted last month's decision by disputing the validity of a clean bill of health given the site in September by Grace contractors Haley and Aldrich.

The EPA questioned the methodology and conclusions of the Grace report, which stated that materials deposited at the site and since removed have not contaminated the area's groundwater and does not pose a health risk to nearby residents.

EPA officials said the Grace report was not supported by convincing evidence, and concerned residents fear that chemical operations in the past may pose some health hazards, said Chalfen.


Although Grace has retained Haley and Aldrich, Inc., to continually test the soil and groundwater, "local citizens feel they would be more comfortable having an independent consultant look over the testing," said Chalfen.

A Grace official, however, said the company has no complaints about the appointment. "It is not unusual to have an independent party work with us," said Grace director of environmental services Robert Niles.

"Since most city councilors do not have a general expertise regarding toxic clean-up, they will want to have someone help and advise them," Niles said. "Weintend to work with the consultant and give himour data," he added.

The independent consultant will review theassessments that have been made by Grace, checkfor their validity and completeness, and makeappropriate recommendations after checking thesoil and groundwater of the site, said Chalfen.

Grace and Hines Industrial are planning a majordevelopment on the site, located betweenWhittemore Avenue and Rindge Avenue along AlewifeBrook Parkway, involving office and hotel buildingon the site, but they cannot begin until fears oftoxic heath risks are allayed, said Chalfen
