.A chairman designated by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
.Six student members selected from a pool of students from the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Undergraduates will be selected from a pool of: all elected members of the Undergraduate Council, three representatives from each house drawn from officers and others regularly attending house committee meetings and 12 representatives of the Freshman Council chosen by lottery from those regularly attending such meetings.
The graduate students will be selected by lottery from a pool composed of members of the Graduate Student Council and designated representatives of each department's graduate student group.
.Six faculty members
Faculty membership would be composed as follows: two members chosen from the 13 senior tutors of the houses, three faculty members chosen from a Faculty of Arts and Sciences hearing panel and a representative chosen from the Graduate School Administrative Board.
.The Dean of the College and the Administrative Dean of the Graduate School as non-voting members
According to its charter, the CRR was to have six student members, six faculty members, and a faculty chairman who voted only to break ties. Students have boycotted the CRR since its inception, charging that the body can be used to quash political protest.
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