
Students to Tailgate in the Snow and Indoors

It's 11 a.m. the morning of The Game.

Do you know where your tailgate is?

If it's not covered in snow, it's probably laden with beer and hamburgers.

All Harvard-Yale celebrants willing to brave the weather will be able to sample a variety of tailgate parties before The Game.

The Harvard Undergraduate Council's social committee will barbeque burgers and hot dogs starting at 11:30 a.m. at the closed end of the football stadium behind the baseball field stands.


Between 60 and 150 students in each participating house and 500 freshmen have signed up to participate in the council tailgate, said the social committee's chairman, Michael L. Goldenberg '88. Food Services plans to provide the council's tailgate with food for 1500 students.

However, the social committee wants to attract more than 1500 students. "Let's just say we hope to run out of food," Goldenberg said, adding that social committee members and other council members will staff the event.

House Parties

Although council members said that everyone is welcome at their party, several houses--including Kirkland and Cabot--have organized their own tailgates.

Kirkland will be hosting students from its Yale affiliate, Calhoun College, for the weekend. In exchange for $5, Calhoun students receive weekend housing and food, including a Kirkland-Calhoun tailgate before The Game, and free passes to a Kirkland House party Saturday night.

Harvard Food Services is also catering the Kirkland-Calhoun tailgate, which will take place behind Bright Hockey Center. The Kirkland House committee has provided two kegs.

"Last year Calhoun hosted us, so this year we'll be providing plenty of food and drink. It's gonna be freezing out, so we have to numb ourselves," said K-House tailgate organizer Jane M. Grimm '88.

Attendance at many tailgate parties may be rather thin. Many students said the cold weather will keep them indoors for pre-game entertainment.

"None of my friends are having tailgates primarily because of the snow. Most people will probably be getting together for drinks in their rooms," said Brian C. Offutt '87, who served as chairman of the council last year.

Snow is Fun to Play in

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