
Man Attacks Woman Near Div School

Harvard University Police said yesterday that a woman was assaulted near the Divinity School early last week.

On November 5 at around 6:20 p.m., a Harvard-affiliated woman was approached by a man who asked her the time, and then grabbed her rear, said Harvard Deputy Police Chief Jack Morse.

The woman walked away and was not harmed, Morse said. The following day, the woman called the police to report the incident, Morse said.

Police officials refused to divulge the identity of the women or the area of Harvard she was associated with.

The police said yesterday that the assault last week was probably not connected with a rape which took place near the Law School about two weeks ago.


Although the woman could not give a clear description of her assailant, Morse said that the general description does not match that of the attacker in the rape two weeks ago. He added that police had been looking into a possible connection between the two incidents.

Sonic Whistles

Divinity School Dean of Students Guy V. Martin sent a bulletin to the Divinity School students, notifying them of the incident. The bulletin also said that sonic whistles were available "at a reasonable price" at the Divinity School Bookstore on Francis Ave.

Many People have purchased sonic whistles, said Kuk-Won Bae, a bookstore employee and teaching fellow at the Divinity School. "The whistles seem pretty well designed," Bae said.

Morse said the police will increase surveillance in the area. He said, however, that there has not been an unusual number of assault incidents so far this year. "There's a lot less here than in most areas," he said.

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