

Vote Graham

CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCILOR Saundra K. Graham is up for reelection next week for her seat in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. For 15 years Graham has been a force on the city council, and for the last decade has represented Cambridge residents in the statehouse as well. In both capacities she has led the fight for affordable housing, affirmative action and community programs, piling up an outstanding record of service to the community.

She has worked hard to soften the impact of Reagan Administration budget cuts on grants to cities and was recently appointed chairman of the House Committee on Federal Financial Assistance. Throughout her tenure she has worked for housing programs ranging from urban renewal projects to aid for homeowners to legislation protecting tenant rights. She has sponsored affirmative action and anti-discrimination legislation and led the fight for minority employment and training programs, and for integrating police and fire departments.

On the city council Graham has helped to establish a civilian police review board and a city affirmative action office, as well as to rehabilitate Cambridge Housing Authority apartments. She has been a strong advocate for rent control and worked with community groups on a variety of issues ranging from discrimination against women and gays to the Cambridge Community Center and the city's Multi-Cultural Arts Center.

After a decade and a half, Graham is still one of the most tireless politicians in the state. She is constantly running for reelection--for the council in odd years and the state legislature in even ones--but has fought effectively to maintain the integrity and diversity of Cambridge. For that we should all thank her, and vote for her next Tuesday.
