Counting Their Chickens
While many Harvard seniors are getting goosebumps at investment bank interview, poultry science majors at Penn State can sit back and watch their career plans hatch.
Students who specialize in poultry science at schools like Penn State are practically guaranteed top management positions in large poultry corporations across the country.
With less than 100 poultry science concentrators in the United States, and two to three times that number of job opportunities in the area of poultry business management, job placement for poultry science majors is 100 percent.
But if you want to get in on the action in this field, you had better move quickly, advises Dr. Forest Muir, professor at the Penn State School of Poultry Science. "More alert students are becoming aware of the competitive advantage of specializing in poultry," Muir said.
Muir, who holds a doctorate in poultry genetics, offers a three-credit course in basic livestock and poultry management practices. This course teaches fowl physiology and the basic principles of how to manage birds through hands-on experience at the 6000-chicken Penn State Poultry Farm.
John Kenneth Galbraith noted in his speech at the Winthrop House 350th Celebration Dinner Thursday night that 50 years ago he got a degree in large animal science.
Muir commented, however, "Now students in the large animal area have to look to the poultry area for employment." UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO
Dorm Sex OK
Sexual relations in dormitories is allowed as long as it does not violate a roommate's right to privacy, a University of Colorado student panel decided last week.
The Dormitory Representative Council voted 16-0 after 90 minutes of debate Monday to recommend that wording in a campus handbook be changed to reflect that view, the Associated Press reported.
A controversy arose over phrasing that appeared in this year's "Guide to Residence Hall Living." It banned "sexual activity such as sleeping together [or] going to bed with another person."
Housing officials argued that the contested language was merely a clarification of existing rules against cohabitation and served notice that the rules would be enforced.
But the dormitory representatives voted to replace the phrasing with: "Visitation does not, therefore, permit any activity, sexual or otherwise, which is contrary to a roommates' and fellow residents' right to privacy." UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS
Si Si Sandinista
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