
City Races Officially Begin

22 Vying for Council Seats, Nine for School Committee

The race is officially on for Cambridge City Council and School Committee seats, with the pool of council contenders up significantly from two years ago, while the number seeking school committee slots has dropped by nearly half.

By the 5 p.m. deadline Wednesday, 22 candidates had filed papers for the council election--six more than in the 1983 election. Nine have joined the race for the seven-member school board, down from the 16 contenders two years ago.

While all nine city council incumbent's will seek reelection to the council, two veteran school committee members have opted out of this fall's race.

In a surprise move this week, 12-year veteran of the school committee Glenn S Koocher '71 announced that he would not seek another term in office.

Koocher, who was instrumental in the district-wide school desegregation of the late 70's, said yesterday that serving on the committee "consumes an enormous amount of time, and that it's time to move on to other things in my professional life."


Koocher has been an outspoken member of the committee since 1973, when at the age of 24 he became its youngest member even. The Blue Cross social worker has been active in coordinating hiring and financial aspects of the school system, and actively lobbied to oust former Superintendent William C. Lannon.

Rena Leib said she will not seek a second term on the school committee, citing her desire to spend more time with her family.

In the first surprise of the council race, three Cantabrigians have entered the contest on a slate they have called "Coalition '85." The three are Karen Swaim, the president of the Business Association of North Cambridge; Hugh A. Russell, an architect who is on the board of zoning appeals; and Geneva Malenfant, a resident of Cambridgeport, who has served on the planning board and the historical commission.

Malenfant said yesterday that her "progressive, good government" coalition is offering an alternative to the Cambridge Civic Association (CCA) and the independents who currently dominate the board.

Sometimes the heightened feelings among the two groups hasn't led to the most productive atmosphere for things to happen for the public good," said Malenfant.

CCA endorsed Councilor Alice K. Wolf, who is the only single term councilor up for reelection, said yesterday the new slate and the large candidate pool this year "will certainly liven up the election, and will probably eat into the constituencies of incumbent candidates."

Wolf said she and the other CCA incumbents are particularly concerned with the issue of development, and will continue to block proposals that would allow North Cambridge to become as built-up as Mass. Ave from Harvard to Central Square.

"Such a situation would not be compatible with safety, noise, and traffic in the area," she said.

Incumbent CCA-endorsed candidates include Councilors David E. Sullivan, Saundra Graham, and Mayor Francis H. Duehay '55. Incumbent independents include Thomas W. Danehy, Daniel C. Clinton, Alfred E. Velluci, Walter J. Sullivan, and Alfred W. LaRosa, who was elected just last month to fill the seat of the late Mayor Leonard Russell.

School Committee Criticized

While the council election is already heating up, the race for the school committee may be less lively this year than in year's past with the smallest pool of contenders in six years.

Koocher said his decision not to run for a seventh term stems partly from his dissatisfaction with the attitudes of some members of the committee. "Liberals and conservatives alike have made very political issues out of educational ones," he said.

Koocher headed-up the postponement of school committee meetings this summer, claiming that Duehay, then acting mayor, did not have the authority to chair the meetings.

"I've never had the slightest reservation to vote, speak or do what I think," said.

Leib, a first-term committee member, said that the committee has been too "involved in petty details that should be dealt with by administrators."

In addition, Leib said the $10,000 a year salary is insufficient for the amount of time members put into the committee. "It's a very tough job, I'd like to see the salary increased."

Independent incumbents Alfred Fantini, Joseph Maynard, and Jane Sullivan have announced their candidacies for the committee, as has CCA incumbent Frances Cooper.

Agassiz School parents Larry Weinstein and Richard Griffin are the other two CCA-endorsed contenders, and the crop is rounded out by two veteran candidates, Timothy Tooney and David Kennedy, and Sara Garcia, who is running for the first time.

Other contenders for the council race are CCA-endorsed Renae Scott and rent control advocate Michael Turk. Also taking out papers were Lewis Armistead, Manuel Bonitatibus, Ronald Campbell, Elio Centrella, Vincent Dixon, Winston Forde, Kenneth Reeves, and George Spartichino, William Walsh.
