

C.J. Freshman

To the Editors of The Crimson:

As an admirer of Brad Dalton's production of Hamlet, I was appalled by the Crimson's seathing review ("Just Not to Be," Crimson, April 26). C.J. Freshman's article only reveals his own insecurities: "This Hamlet is hardly a great man-but a bratty boy only a child psychologist could love, for $100 an hour." Hamlet was certainly done in a new way, but everyone can do without Freshman's staid criticisms. His review is constantly making references to the production being "less like" a rendition of Hamlet and more like a throwback on the tacky culture of the 1970's. This is ironic. In fact, Freshman's review is "less like" comment on Dalton's production and more evocative of bad journalism.

The director showed rare brilliance, using modern techniques without making Hamlet innovative for innovation's sake. Andrew Sullivan (Hamlet) and Christopher Keyser (Claudius) presented new interpretations of their roles Anyone with an interest in theater, or an open mind, would have been able to appreciate the creativity and brilliance of the production. Relax, C.J. Freshman. Jenny Landan '87
