To the Editors of The Crimson:
The article in the March 22 Crimson entitled "College Set to Discuss Gay Issue" serves as a reminder that the Harvard Lesbian/Gay Caucus, open to all members of the University (alumni/ae, staff, faculty, students, etc) has been working towards a University wide non-discrimination clause for some time. It is good to see the CCI [Committee on College Life] discuss such a policy.
As you are no doubt aware, most people affiliated with Harvard are protected by the Boston and Cambridge Human Rights Ordinances. However, people connected with parts of Harvard such as the New England Deposit Library (in Allston) or the New England Regional Primate Research Center (in Southboro) are not. A non-discrimination cause would not only protect these Harvard affiliates, but would also provide an alternate (and internal) method of filing and redressing complaints to going through city procedures.
Becauselesbians and gay men are often told that discrimination does not exist or that documentation of such discrimination as either insufficient or inadequate, the Harvard Lesbian/Gay Caucus has established a clearinghouse to monitor incidents. This will not only provide documentation, but also assistance to those who use it. The telephone number of the Clearinghouse Hotline is 491-1548, and the Clearinghouse is interested in hearing from all members of the community. Elizabeth R. Brown Past President, Harvard Lesbian/Gay Caucus
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