
For some, Man's Best Friend Serves as a Teacher's Aid

Some professors and teaching fellows bring briefcases to class others bring dogs.

"It's horrible for dogs to be cooped up all day," and Juliette Floyd, graduate student in philosophy and teaching fellow for several moral reasoning and philosophy classes, when brings her dog just about everywhere she goes.

Floyd said that no one in her classes had reacted negatively to Thira's presence, and that in fact the dog helped to relay the students.

Floyd said that Thira is a very friendly dog, and probably has more friends in Cambridge than him and I put together," adding that she is known in the Harvard Bookstore as" the philosophy dog.

Floyd said she takes Thira everywhere that she possible can "Once we shuck her into a movie an the Harvard Square, Theatre, by having a friend of our pretend to be blind," she said.


Beniamm Pierce Lecturer on Mathematics John M. Lee shares Flyd's philosophy about bringing dogs to work. "It's much more fun for Brie to come all day," he said.

Lee said that he has brought Brie with him to classes since he started teaching at Harvard years ago resident than usual last year because, for the first time, students opting to return to their House could do so at the state of the following year.

Colvin added that she think the crisis developed partially because more than half of this year's residents will graduate in June.

With the exception of the large number of seniors leaving, however, attrition in the co-ops is low, with only three non-senior residents leaving Jordan in May.

Home-Co king and Dirty Dishes

Selin Tezel '86 said he will give House Life a try. "I don't like to do the dishes, and I don't cook well," he explained.

Eric W. Huefner '87 said he wants to try living in the Houses next fall, but for a different reason. Since many of his senior friends will leave at the end of this year.

Each of the three co-ops associated with a Quadrangle House. If one of the co-ops turns into overflow housing, it will take extra students from its affiliated House
