
Not A Matter Of Fashion


To the Editors of The Crimson:

On February 28, The Crimson published an article entitled "Gay Students Review House Life" about the most recent GLSA meeting. While I was pleased to see The Crimson report on issues of concern to this important part of the Harvard community, I was also distressed at being misrepresented in the article.

My comment that being gay is "almost a kind of fashionable thing at Adams" was taken out of context, and entirely distorted the point I was making. I did make reference, as The Crimson noted, to the "artsy Euro-fag reputation" of Adams House, but only to explain that it is at best superficially accurate. Being gay at Adams is supposedly fashionable, but in actuality being heterosexual is just as fashionable. Sexual preference is not a matter of fashion and, happily, it does not make a difference at Adams House. Name Withheld Upon Request
