


To the Editors of the Crimson:

As an active member of the Harvard community, I am shocked and dismayed by the Crimson's blatant lack of journalistic integrity.

The photographs accompanying "Housing Lottery to Face Review' on the front page of the Monday, February 4 issue exhibit an improper and irresponsible representation of a mature dialogue between faculty and students concerning the Housing lottery. Two photographs appeared side by side, one of the Lowell House Tower and the other of a sign reading "Oh, shit! I've been Quaded[sie]! Currier House Sucks!" The Crimson's claim that the-two photographs are "a study in contrast" is completely unfounded. A photographs of a sign scribbled by an obviously distraught freshman offers no comparison to a photograph of the Lowell House Tower. In addition, the photographs have nothing to do with the articles that follow. The Crimson has demonstrated to the Harvard community and to all its readers that the pestilience of journalistic sensationalism exists even at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Your lack of discretion and professionalism has caused an insult to Currier House residents and is inexcusable. Deborah Ramirez '86   President, Currier House Committee

The Crimson did not intend any slight whatsoever against Currier House. We understand that the opinions of "an obviously distraught" freshman do not reflect life in Currier House. We were in error and regret the publication of the Photogranh   The Editors
