Local movie enthusiasts will be temporarily losing their only opportunity to see two films for the price of one--but it's all so they can get two more cinemas.
"We decided to stop the double feature while we expand from three to five theatres," said Kevin Graham, manager of the Harvard Square Theatre on Church St. Graham added that he expects the double showings to resume within a month when the renovations have been completed.
When the current management opened the cinema seven years ago, it showed mainly double features in three-day runs. "The cinema made its reputation on the double feature," Graham said.
Until recently, the cinema had only one theatre and doubled as a concert hall. In the 1970's Bruce Springsteen. David Bowie, and Bob Dylan were among the many superstars who played before audiences of nearly 2000 in the theatre, Graham said.
When the cinema underwent a facelift two years ago and emerged with three screens, it ended the rock concert tradition, but kept the double feature.
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