
Loeb Clarification


To the Editors of the Crimson:

I read Kristin A. Goss's article on the new transfer housing plan with great interest but I want to point out a quotation ascribed to me at the end pf the article which might be-misconstrued.

When Ms. Goss asked me, what I thought of Dean Fox's decision I asked her specifically which decision she meant, and I told her explicitly that I thought the Access Committee's recommendations which were to be effective next fall were fine but that I could see problems about housing transfer students who are now at Harvard.

When Ms. Goss says, "Dudley House Master Arthur I Iocb called the solution fine, although he said he realized it might cause a problem for Master in crowded Houses, it should be clearly understood that the solution she refers to is that suggested by the Access Committee not the decision to house transfer students this spring term.

Arthur I. Lurch


Master of Dudley House
