Student volunteers are helping the American Red Cross with a two-day Memorial Hall blood drive ending today. Members of the Harvard community will donate close to one-third of all the blood collected in Cambridge this year, according to Thomas Powers of the Boston Area Red Cross.
The Red Cross is using a "Harvard-Yale Challenge," the brainchild of Connecticut and Yale volunteers, in hopes of pumping up donation rates at the two schools. At the end of this year's campaign the more generous university will receive a trophy. Going into the the drive, Harvard leads the New Haven institution by a single unit, 1056 to 1055, said Field Director Marie Cloutier Diflo '83.
Powers added, however, the previous drive's total fell short of the Red Cross' 1145-unit goal. Yesterday's target of 70 units was probably surpassed, said Diflo.
"This drive will help keep up the reserves," said Bradford J. Baker, '26 a publicity coordinator for the drive. This big one, however, is coming in April.
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