
Class Gift


To the Editors of the Crimson:

We are extremely disappointed with The Crimson's February 9 article on the fundraising efforts of the Senior Gift for Undergraduate Education and the Endowment for Divestiture. The failure to explain the purpose of the Senior Gift until very late in the article unfairly represents its relation to the Endowment for Divestiture. In addition, by stating that the Senior Gift committee "has chosen its own way of dealing with the other (fund)." The Crimson has implied that the Senior Gift is attempting to directly undermine the efforts of the Endowment for Divestiture.

As we stressed to reporter James Solomon, the Senior Gift was created for the purpose of supporting undergraduate education. It helps meet current operating expenses of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and is used to fund undergraduate financial aid, the House system, faculty salaries, extracurricular, and other undergraduate programs. The Senior Gift's scholarship gifts directly assist the 41 percent of undergraduates who receive financial and from Harvard and Radcliffe, helping to ensure that the College maintains a need-blind admissions policy.

The Endowment for Divestiture allows students to demonstrate their opposition to the capital endowment which is invested in companies doing business in South Africa. On the other hand, all funds donated to the Senior Gift are used for current undergraduate scholarships and operating expenses of the Colleges. Donations to the Senior Gift are not invested and do not become a part of the University's endowment. Donations to the Senior Gift do support the education of fellow students. The efforts do not need to compete with each other to achieve their goals.

We hope that in the future The Crimson ends its practice of adding to its news stories controversial aspects which simply do not exist. Robert S. Keane '85   Kelly L. Klegar '85
