
Law Prof Responds


To the Editors of The Crimson:

I must protest your Dec. 4 story "6 Profs Weigh Leaving Over Law School Battle." Accompanying this headline are pictures of six Harvard Law School professors, including me. The clear implication is that my departure from the Law School may be imminent.

If a reader persevered to the twelfth paragraph of the story, he or she would learn that I am indeed leaving Harvard next year--but only for a one year visit at another school. As I told your reporter, this leave was arranged several years ago, a fact conveniently omitted from the story. The innuendo in the story's statement that I have no "present" plans to leave permanently is unwarranted.

National newspapers and magazines have recently reported on the Harvard Law School. The Crimson has finally joined the fray. Its use of a "rogues' gallery" format to suggest dramatic but unfounded revelations disregards sound journalistic principles and disserves the Harvard community. Richard B. Stewart   Byrne Professor of Administrative Law
