
Inadequate Review


To the Editors of The Crimson:

I was extremely disappointed with the review of "For Colored Girls..." which appeared in The Crimson on Friday, December 13. Because it was only one paragraph long and had no byline, I initially thought it was merely an announcement of the play. I was therefore shocked to find, upon reading it, that it was actually an attempt to review the play. Not only was this "review" highly inaccurate (the play is not a "drama-musical" or a "musical production"), it was also woefully inadequate as an analysis of a serious theatrical production. There is no mention of the effective techniques employed by director Patrick Bradford or, more surprisingly, of the powerful performances that are the essence of the play. I applaud all those who contributed to this emotionally charged production and chastise the person who wrote such a pathetic review. He or she has done a great disservice to the worthy efforts of the men and women who obviously worked hard to put on a fine show. Ed Lazere '86


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