
Dartmouth Protests

Class Cuts

Although over 90 percent of the Dartmouth faculty signed a petition urging the university's complete divestment of South African-related stock, Dartmouth College President David T. McLaughlin did not mention the petition in an address yesterday dealing with the university's investment policy.

In his afternoon speech, McLaughlin said the college would lose its ability to influence South Africa's racist policies if it divested, said Laurie Adams, a Dartmouth divestment activist.

The president made mention of a student protest of the schools investment practices which began last week. McLaughlin called the tinroofed shanties students had built on the school green to resemble a South African Bantu Stands educational, saying that was why they had not been torn down.

The faculty members who signed the petition presented to McLaughlin two days ago had requested a response by Sunday, Adams said.

Saying he has "no idea" if the president will respond to the petition, Professor of History Leo Spitzer said McLaughlin's "history of responding to the faculty has been poor."
