
B-Schoolers Facilitate Wife Search

Two Business School students have decided that they should make it easy for Wellesley College women to "date a man with a trust fund and a BMW."

But many Wellesley women are responding with a loud "no thanks."

In posters and flyers distributed on the Wellesley campus Sunday night, the students announced a new service called the Wellesley/HBS Datematch, telling participants they might "marry a man who loves you even if you don't know how to balance your checkbook."

Terry G. Butler and Steven P. Laffey, second-year students at the B-School, also ran a full-page advertisement in The Harbus News, the weekly student newspaper, encouraging students to fill out a questionnaire and send $10 to a Wellesley address. Wellesley women write to Butler and Laffey.

In return, the ad said, the service will provide respondents with the first names and
