
Moses to 'Shmen: Dry Up

Short Takes

Dean of Freshmen Henry C. Moses has added another brick to Harvard's growing no-drinking wall, instructing freshmen prefects that they are not allowed to serve liquor to Yardlings.

Moses said in an interview that he also "told proctors and non-resident advisers not to serve alcohol to freshmen even in their own home." Moses said wine had been served to 'shmen at teas and faculty dinners--but now "no occasion sponsored by the Freshmen Dean's Office will serve alcohol."

Students' privacy will still be respected, Moses said, but there's a new definition of what's private: "In the past freshmen had been permitted to serve alcohol at parties held in hallways. Now only rooms and suites are private."

Freshmen and their prefects said they don't think the drinking nix will hurt the program. "I don't think the new policy will hurt the freshmen prefect program at all," said Benjamin Waldman '89 of Pennypacker Hall. "The prefects' function is to acquaint us to life at Harvard and with Boston. The social aspect of the program wasn't a big deal."

Added Straus Prefect Tina Rafinski '87, "At our original meeting we had been told no drugs, no sexual relations, no platonic love affairs, and to use alcohol only with discretion. I don't think the new policy will have a negative effect at all. In study breaks, we hadn't used any alcohol anyway."
