
Happy 100th, Classical Club

Short Takes

The Harvard-Radcliffe Classical Club celebrates its 100th birthday in high style today with an elegant noontime tea in Boylston Hall.

Up to 70 guests, including members of the Classics Department, students and faculty from related departments, and numerous university officials, are expected for the bash.

The club's first recorded meeting was on October 23, 1885, but there is some doubt as to whether it has been active for its entire 100 years. In the past few years the club has been revived, largely through the efforts of President Gary Shapiro '86.

The club's activities include dinners with professors, readings, and a yearly play. Last year the club staged Euripedes' "Hippolytus" on the steps of North House, and in 1983 performed "The Bacchae" in the stadium with much dramatic and financial success. No play has been picked for this year, Shapiro said.
