Adam John Augustynski
Democratic Club--President, Undergraduate Council. PBH--Big Brother Program, St. Paul's Student Center. House Committee.
Ethan Herschel Cohen
Undergraduate Council--Finance Comm. and Treasure Chair, Undergrad Rep. to ACSR. House Committee. Hillel Coordinating Council.
Joel Ari Getz
Crimson--Associat, Editor, Freshman Prefect, Freshman Squash Team. Harvard College Eorum--Business Manager.
Jonathon J.I. Kennedy
Captain--Rugby Football Club. Radcliffe Alumnae Assoc. student coordinator. Radcliffe Reunions Children's Program. Harvard Alumni Association.
James Anthony Messina
JV Cross-Country and Track. Student Porter Program Captain, Wine Steward for Major Harvard Reunions. House Committee President.
Philip Prince
House Committee. House Athletics. Harvard Band, HAND. Schneider's Silver Coronet Band.
John Shulman
JV Hockey, JV Soccer, PBH One-to-One Chairman. PBH ColPrep Chairman. John Harvard Scholarship.
John Winthrop Jr.
Junior Varsity Michael S. Baldock Adams Lightweight Crew, House Crew, Entrepreneurs Club, Cambridge Neighborhood Prog., Mather House Council Harvard Alumni Assoc. Steven A. Colarossi Dudley House Committee Chair, H/R Undergraduate Council, CUE, Housing Advisor--Office of Special Programs, Transfer Student Orientation Advisor. Carlos Godmez Kirkland Varsity Football, Drama, House Committee, Big Brother, Kirkland House Stein Club. Jon Eric King Currier President--Freshman Council, Undergraduate Council, Student-Faculty Committee on College Life. House Committee. H/R Dramatic Club. Alexander Welles Moot Winthrop JV Lacrosse, JV Hockey, Harvard Audio-Visual Services, Intramural Sports, House Committee Douglas F. Rabuzzi Dunster Crimson Key Society. Harvard Rugby Football Club, House Film Society, Fox Club. Brian Keith Sugg North Track Team. Intramurals Gary Barkin Quincy WHRB News, Student Chair--Comm. on Undergraduate Instruction (Psych. Dept.), PBH Legal Comm. Chair, Room 13, Summer School Proctor. Tom Corcoran North Varsity Lacrosse, Lacrosse Captain, Housing Committee President House Movie Club, H/R Catholic Students Assoc. Fernando Gueler Mather Varsity Crew, Freshman Crew, Student Productions Assoc., Independent, Hasty Pudding Club. Charles T. Kurzman North Crimson--editor of What is to be Done House soccer, House crew, House Committee, Alumni Asoc. Undergraduate Relations Committee. Timothy Simonds Naimi Winthrop Undergraduate Council, Rugby Club, PBH--Workforce Program, International Review, Intramurals. Stuart Raphael Currier House Committee Treasurer, Prefect, Undergraduate Council, CUE, Core, Undergraduate Council Treasurer, Fencing Team. Alan "Trip" Switzer Quincy Freshman and Varsity Crew, House Film Society, House Investment Club, House Committee. Robert Beuther Leverett Yearbook, Crimson Key Society, House Committee Treasurer, House Film Society, Freshman Tennis Team. Christopher Cowperthwaite Cabot President 'Cookin' Nightclub, Rugby, Winter Track, Drama, H/R Chorus, Environmental work at Mass Pirg. Alfred E. Guy. Jr. Currier Kirkland House Drama Society, Currier House Drama Society Phillips Brooks House, HSA--officer, Currier House Dance Marathon. Horace Earl Lindsay II Leverett PBH--Intergenerational Outreach, Black Cast, H/R Caribbean Club, Expressions Dance Co., Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program. Robert Neer Eliot Lampoon, Crimson, WHRB, HSA Let's Go--California Writer, Harvard Alumni Assoc. Francesco J. Rockwood Mather Student Productions Assoc., Freshmen and Varsity Crew, Intramural coordinator, Handicap Van Driver, Mathering Heights. Theodore Eric Tutun Mather Harvard Alumni Assoc. Intern. Radcliffe Alumni Assoc. Intern, HSA Bartenders/Catering. Intercollegiate Baseball, Intercollegiate Hockey. David J. Wright Eliot Writing Center Tutor, University, Choir, Harvard College Forum, Prefect. Ian M. Bickley Eliot Varsity golf, Student Productions Assoc., Model UN, HAND, Eliot House Grill. Thomas Cronin Eliot H/R Undergraduate Council--Vice Chair/Eliot Rep., Independent Assoc. Sports Editor, Intercollegiate Basketball--JV and Classies, Prefect Program, Catholic Student Ctr. Seth R. Horowitz Leverett H/R Hellel--Chairman, Harvard Band. Crimson Key, Student Jewish Appeal, House Crew. Ming Lo Winthrop Coop--Board of Directors, Glee Club. H/R Chorus, Winthrop Mandarin Table, House Academic Committee, Harvard Foundation. Robert K. Ohno Eliot Varsity Hockey, Varsity Club--Undergraduate Officer, Jimmy Fund Skating Show--Rink Manager, House Committee, Intramurals. Gerald James Roper North PBH--Keylatch, Football, House Athletic Secretary, Rock and Roll Band, Fly Club. James Warren Umlas Leverett Track and Cross Country, Big Brother Program--PBH, House Committee--Elected Secretary, H/R Chorus, Leverett Tutor Selection Committee. Henry Parkman Biggs Kirkland Freshman Lightweight Crew, Director Godspell, Chairman One-to-One, Director The Wiz, Prefect. Charles Di Bona Quincy Agassiz School After-School Program, Ski Team, House Intramurals, House Committee, Unit Test Grader--Social Analysis 10 IOP. Robert S. Huribut III North Varsity Lacrosse, Co-Captain Harvard Shuttle program, President of Fly Club. House Housing Committee, Cambridge/Somerville elderly services. Joseph F. McCaffertly Leverett Freshman Crew, H/R Catholic Student Center Big Brother Program, Harvard Wind Ensemble, semble, Harvard Band Treasurer. Harvard Band Manager. Michael C.D. Okwu Eliot Crimson news editor, Undergraduate Guide to Life at Harvard's Houses, Undergraduate Council, Varsity Track, Harvard-Yale-Oxford-Cambridge Meet, IOP. Carroll Arthur Rutter III Eliot Lampoon, Intramural squash, Hasty Pudding Club, Student Hosting--Undergraduate Admissions Council. Paul Francis Vitimberga Mather Freshman Crew. Fox Club. Preston W. Brooks Eliot Advertising Director--Jimmy Fund, News Editor--Crimson, University Library Comm., H/R Chorus, House Crew. David Charles Finn North Undergraduate Council, Head Official--Intramural Athletics, Hand, WHRB Sports, Phillips Brooks House. Christopher Earl Hussey Leverett Lacrosse, HSA Student Resources Employee, Student Supervisor IAB, Nautilus Instructor. Jay Alan Mednikow Lowell Din and Tonies, HSA--Advertising Manager. Glee Club. International Review. Stuart Peterson Leverett PBH, Jazz for Life, Classies Basketball, Heavyweight Crew. Intramural Crew. Keith M. Schorsch Quincy H/R Theatre--Producer, Cambridge School Volunteer, Harvard Band. Gilbert and Sullivan Players James Patrick Warner Kirkland PBH--One-to-One, Research Assistant, PBH--Environmental Action Committee, Student Teaching Intern--St. Sebastian's Country Day School. Jeffrey A. Zucker Mather Crimson--President. Crimson--Sports Editor. JV Tennis Team. Mathering Heights soap opera. Stephen Charles Carey Eliot HAND, Intramurals, JV Hockey, Assistant Manager Munroe C. Gutman Conference Ctr. Arthur Robert Fuscaldo Lowell House Committee, House Drama Society, Hasty Padding--Business Manager, Gilbert and Sullivan--Producer. H/R Drama Club. Cosswain--Freshman Crew. Per Jebsen Mather Freshman Scholarship Fund Drive, PBH Food Salvage Project, Undergraduate Council, Let's Go editor, Crimson editorial staff. Brian Melendez Cabot H/R Undergraduate Council--Chairpersor. Endowment tor Divestiture. University Committee on Police Harassment. Race Relations Task Force. H/R Christian Fellowship. Ari Z. Posner Adams Crimson--Associate Editor What is to be Done Signer Society, Advocate. WHRB Jazz, Harvard College Forum. Samuel Uscar Sheagren Winthrop Harvard Band, Intramural Athletics, Catholic Student Ctr.. House Committee, House Film and Drama Societies. Timothy Allen Wilkins Leverett BSA--President, Board of Directors Afro-American Cuhun Ctr., Varsity "B" Tennis Team. Chicago Recruiter--Undergraduate Admissions Office. Editor-in-Chief--"Black and Crimson" Freshman Guide Abby Ann Ames Eliot J.V. Field Hockey, J.V. I acrosse, Jimmy Fund, Committee. "An Evening with Champions". Chairman Patron and Sponsor Committee, Volunteer at Mass. General. Pediatric Ward. Cara Cantarella Lowell Rm 13 staff, Houghton Library Cataloger's assistant. Private Infant Care, Kirkland House Production--GodspellNews staff--Independent. Angela Ferry Kirkland Chairman House Committee, Varsity Tennis, Undergrad Council District Chairman, Varsity Softball, Awards Tutor for Bureau of Study Council. Michele Terese Ippolito Eliot Varsity Field Hockey, Co-Chairman House Committee. Mary Ann Larson Quincy Harvard Band--Alumni Affairs director. Seventh Sister, Assistant Producer of Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead, Anthropology Dept. Faculty Aid, Rep. to Anthro. Dept. Evaluation Pauta M. McDonough Cabot House Committee, Varsity Softball. Dorm Treasurer, Costume seamstress--Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado. Beth Pryor Cabot Social Studies Concentrator, Commodore Varsity Sailing Team. Women's Rugby Football Club. Undergraduate Advisory Committee on Athletics, Radcliffe House Intern. Betsy Silver Winthrop House Committee, Mainly Jazz Dance Co., Biology Undergraduate Council. "Cynthia Stanton Memorial Cancer Council, Crimson editor. Anne Bailey Quincy Pres. Assoc. of Black Radcliffe Women, Academy Homes, Big Brother Big Sister Program. Citistep Dance Theatre Program. H/R Dramatic Club Performances of "Working" and "Suicide in Clarissa Cerda Eliot Jimmy Fund Committee, Off-Key Musical Theatre Company. Harvard Table Tennis Club Treasurer. Basketball Cheerleader, Prefect. Julia Ann Foehle Mather Mather House Committee (Chairman, Treasurer). One-to-One Big Sister Prog., HAND. Red Cross Blood Drives, HSA. Jennifer F. Joss North Tennis Team, Godspell, The Helen Lee Eliot Varsity Crew, Radcliffe Summer Intern. Crimson, Independent, Summer School Proctor. Pamela Denise Mitchell Cabot HAND, PBH Chair--Refugee Committee, Strangebrew Coffeehouse--Hilles-Manager, Gilbert and Sullivan--costume designer, House Committee. Deborah Ramirez Currier House Committee President, House Committee Secretary, Jefferson Park Tutor. Carolyn P. Stern Mather Harvard Band. Bach Society Orchestra. "Jungle Belles". Gilbert and Sullivan Productions Research asst. Anne Emanuclle Birn Quincy Phillips Brooks House-Colprep, Radcliffe House Intern. Crimson Business Board. HAND Committee, House Crew, House Volleyball. Alicia Gorham Clifton Leverett Varsity Field-Hockey--Co-Captain. Varsity and J.V. Lacrosse, Sports Information Office. Karen E. Gordon Cabot/Eliot Harvard Speech and Parliamentary Debate Society, WHRB News Dept., Harvard Marching Band prop crew. Jennie Ann Kassanoff Winthrop Independent--Executive Editor, Big Sister (One to One Program. Phillips Brooks House). Harvard Band Prop crew. Monica J. Lizka Currier Independent--Financial Coordinator, House Committee, Cynthia Stanton Memorial Cancer Council Treasurer, Currier House Dance Marathon Chairperson. Naomi Sue Morita Currier Student Coordinator for Harvard 50th Reunion. Porter Program (Dorm Crew) Captain. Freshman Dean's Council, H/R Christian Fellowship small group leader, House Committee. Geraldine Rubin Winthrop Varsity Softball Captain, H/R Foundation for Women's Athletics, Phillips Brooks House--Access Boston Committee, House Committee Member. House Tutor Selection Committee Chairperson. Iynn Andrea Stein Dunster H/R Blood Program. Producer Die Fledermaus, CS150 teaching fellow, administrative course head, Carolyn Joyce Whitehead Kirkland Radcliffe Intern, House Publicity Chair. PBH One-to-One Program, Drama, Undergraduate Admissions Council. Virginia "Ginnie" Breen Mather Harvard Band-Drum Major, H/R Christian Fellowship, Salient Assistant Editor, Reader for the Blind, Harvard Wind Ensemble. Clare Marguerite Corcoran Kirkland Phillips Brooks House-Prison Tutoring Committee Chair, Harvard Band-Bass Drum Manager, H/R Catholic Student Cir. Volunter. J.V. Squash. Alison E. Harrington Kirkland Undergraduate Council. House Committee, Counselor at Harvard 25th Reunion J.V. Squash third team lacrosse. Jennifer Caroline Keeler Eliot Jimmy Fund "Evening with Champions," Peet counselor for Eating Problems Outreach, Varsity Football cheerleader. Jennifer Ann Low Currier Crimson Key Society Marshal's Office Tours, Biology Undergraduate Committee Bio Newsletter. Coordinator of Currier Sophomore Week events Susan E. Ordway Quincy J.V. Lacrosse, Cynthis Ann Schaffer Mather Crimson Key Society Executive Board, House Council Officer, Independent Business Staff. Marching Band, Mather Chanber Society. Jill C. Vialct Adams Harvard Outdoor Program. HAND, Women's Rugby, Soccer, Winter Track. Crew, Secretary House Intramurals, Let's Go-- Monika Woods Quincy Harvard Band. House Intramurals, Red Cross Blood Drive. Volunteer--Children's Hospital. MGH, House Committee. Helena Grace Buonanno Kirkland Women's J.V. Basketball, House Core Committee, Winthrop House Drama Productions, Readers for the Blind, Undergraduate Admissions Council. Kira Rebeca Diaz Mather H/R Undergraduate Council, Student/Faculty Committee on Housing. Mather House Council (Social Committee Chair). H/R Catholic Student Center (lector: St. Paul's Church). Mather Film Society. Adrienne Jacqueline Headley Eliot Freshman Rep.--H/R Undergraduate Council. Co-Chair Social Activities Committee--H/R Undergraduate Council. President--Eliot HAND. Kerry Lee Klegar Cabot Undergraduate Council. House Committee, Intramural Sports, Hospital Volunteer (PBH), Research Assistant--Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Caroline Marie Martin Leverett House Committee Co-Chair, WHRB, Filmmaking Club, H/R Off-Key Musical Thrater Co., Intramurals. Melissa Dana Perlman Quincy Peer Contraceptive Counseling. HAND. House Committee, House Intramuals. Hilled. Carol Rence Sessions Lowell Mainly Jazz Dance Co., H/R Modern Dance Co., Chamber Dance Fusemble President. Summers: Public Relations, Summers Cancer Research. Kendall Webb Eliot Room 13, Varsity B Tennis team. Drama. Tutoring Prisoners (PBH). JV Squash. Jennifer Burton Currier H/R Drama Club-"Vieux Carte," H/R Summer Theater, Commencement Cabaret, Company, Gilbert and Sullivan. Ellen Shaina Fern Winthrop Mainly Jazz Dance Co., Harvard Dance Ensemble. Winthrop House Committee. Harvard Alumni Undergraduate Relations Committee, Crimson Key Society. Katherine Hulkower Mather H/R Hillel. CPR Instructor for UHS and Red Cross, Freshman House Intramurals. Softball Team, MCZ Volunteer Guide. Erika Park Lambert Mather Mather House Council Student Health Advisory Council. Red Cross Blood Drive. Emily Jane Mathews Lowell Harvard Band. House Acrobics Instructor. Usher at Memori Church. Student Porter Prog, Captain. Psychology. Amy Perry Mather WHRB--Business Manager, Business Comp Director. Crimson Key. House Council. Undergraduate Admissions Council Andrea Silbert Leverett HSA President. Citistep Dance Theater Project, Mainly Jazz Dance Co. Virginia White Eliot "An Evening with Champions". Varsity Volleyball, JV Squash. Freshman Prefect.
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