sachusetts delegation during the convention.
"I loved it. It was actually inspirational. It was actually inspirational and emotional. He touched on the issue of fairness, he showed that he can really beat Reagan," said James Morales '84 Morales will graduate from the Law School in 1987.
THE NOTEBOOK Commentary on the floor of the convention during the tense moments of the nomination roll call ranged from despairing and sardonic to jubilant.
"This is it! This is it!" said a screaming Mondale delegate, tears streaming down her face, as New Jersey put the former Vice President over the top.
"You're going to have to support him anyway, so what the fuck, get off your ass and vote," lectured a Mondale whip in the middle of the Massachusetts delegation during the voting.
. . .
It took him until the very last moment, but Harvard's only undergraduate delegate finally made a choice that surprised even himself.
When Massachusetts Governor Michael S. Dukakis called his name, Mark A Carter '85 stood on his front row chair, hesitated a moment, and said, "Mon...Mon...Jackson."
Carter, the Massachusetts student coordinator for George S. McGovern, was lobbied heavily by Mondale and Jackson whips, after the South Dakotan removed himself from nomination Wednesday.
"I don't know why I did it," said Carter I used to hate the guy, but then, "he joked. "From the outhouse to the boathouse, we're rowing right along."
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